Covid 19 Update

Welcome to 2022. We hope you all had a restful and Covid-free Christmas.

Whilst there is still so much of the virus about, can we please ask you to have a read through of the following...

Masks & Hand Sanitiser

Please wear a mask at all times until you are on your mat, and make use of the hand sanitiser provided in the studio, the snug and at the bottom of the stairs.


Please bring your own equipment to use during your class if you have it; and if you use any of the studio equipment, please clean it thoroughly afterwards with the disinfectant wipes provided.

Class Sizes

We have decided to limit class sizes to 12 people for the time being. Unless you have received a confirmation email advising that you are booked on a class, please do not attend the studio. Our teachers will be checking the register at the start of each class and if your name is not on the register, and the class is full, you may, regrettably, have to be turned away.


You may want to bring extra layers, especially for savasana, as we’ll be keeping a small window open to improve ventilation in classes. Of course, the heating will be on in the studio - please help us to keep the studio and snug as warm as possible by keeping the doors closed.

Lateral Flow Tests

Whilst it's not mandatory, if it's at all possible, we would strongly advise all clients to take a lateral flow test before attending the studio to pick up those asymptomatic cases and keep us all safe. Of course, it goes without saying that if anyone develops any cold-like symptoms, please do not attend the studio and follow the government's advice on testing and isolation.

Thank you for your understanding. We hope we can all have a happy and healthy start to the new year and continue to be able to practice safely together.


Lolli and the team x


Workshop: Your Inner Warrior with Ivana Saldaña


Book your space on our 4-Week Beginners/ Foundation Evening Course - starting 28 February