Come along to our Spring Open Day on Saturday 7 May

We are super excited to announce that our Spring Open Day will take place on Saturday 7 May from 9:30am to 4:30pm.

Please pop in and join us, bring a friend, meet the team, and experience our beautiful sangha in Thaxted Yoga’s stunning surroundings.

We will be offering several taster classes for you to try, including yoga nidra, gentle and mindful flow, hatha and vinyasa, as well as some relaxing meditation with Robyn and a gong bath taster with Michelle.

We are hoping if the weather is kind, that our gorgeous bell tent will also be available to host some outdoor sessions.

Whether you’re a regular client but want to try something different, a lapsed yogi who wants to get back into the vibe, or completely new to yoga and want to see what it’s all about, there will be something for everyone.

We’ll be offering healthy food and drink throughout the day, along with yoga clothing and lovely goodies to purchase.

No booking is required, and we will publish a more detailed timetable shortly before the day, so please keep an eye on our social media.

This is a great opportunity to come and experience the benefits of yoga and mindfulness in our warm and welcoming atmosphere and unique surroundings.


Book your space on our 4-Week Beginners/ Foundation Evening Course - starting 20 April


New monthly Sunday morning Yin session with Robyn